Council on Aging
September 16 2013
Members present: Alba Gouldthrope, Joyce Machiros, Evelyn Noyes, Jean Doyle, Lu Ann Kuder, Gene Smith, Russell Pierce, Joanne Hogan, Martie Jo.
For the first time 100% attendance.
LuAnn started the meeting by welcoming everyone and sharing what she did this summer. Kayaking with her dog who fell into the lake.
Gene Summering on Plum Island
Russ Harbor hopping
Geri Parking Cars
Joyce Welcoming guest from all over country
Alba Meeting friend after 39years
Joanne April in Key West
Jean Summer in garden and shared her daughter of 58 has entered the Peace Core
Evelyn Collage touring with son
Marti Jo went to Duke for nephews wedding
Minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted by a voice vote.
Discussion concerning (Privatus) a home care agency from Boston making a presentation regarding their services was piggy-backed with the senior luncheon.
Report that there was no men’s breakfast in the summer and that the time should be changed back to 8:00 am in future. Also suggested each man bring a guest. Marti will try to get a focus on what they want to get out of the meeting.
There is a large group that meets Tuesday mornings at the Firemen’s Hall they used to meet at the COA but were turned off by staff all agreed that the room was not necessarily conducive for a large meeting .Some suggestions were made about changing the space around and Marti said she would check with the building inspector.
Martie proposed putting out a survey to seniors to see what they would be interested in. She did one when she first arrived 9 years that time the response was not that great. Georgetown and Amesbury have recently conducted a survey and she will design hers after theirs. In an effort to gain greater participation it was suggested that at the end of the survey people be encouraged to bring it to the Council of Aging and have a free cup of coffee.
Joanne asked about the relationship between the COA and the library and suggested they could met there which all agreed that it would not be in the best interest of the COA.
Martie stated that the main focus of this COA is information and referral, meals on wheels and transportation.
There are 1800 people over 60 in Newbury
1100 of them between 60-70
Average person served is over 70
LuAnn described a new series she will be teaching called” Powerful tools for Caregivers” it will take place Tuesdays 6;00pm to 8:00pm starting October 15th through November 19th. It will be offered free and Martie is working on getting respite for attendees if needed. Looking for at least twelve people.
Other new business: New van driver Choo White. Program Coordinator just gave her notice but Martie is not going to fill the position right away will utilize van driver.
No report from the Friends of the Council on Aging as they do not meet in the Summer.
The newsletter is sent to all seniors over 65 every other month
Conversation continued about making the meeting space more appealing.
Meeting adjourned at 2:30
Next meeting October 21st at 1:00pm